Monday, May 19, 2008


have you ever heard somebody say something hurtful directed to an anonymous individual and wonder if that individual was you...? for some reason this seems to be a more often occurring deli ma for me... now, this could just be because I'm such a pessimist and think that everyone in the world has a vendetta against me. i have no idea why i think like this but i do. I want to change and be more positive and not so self-absorbed all the time, but it's not easy.
But... there always is the slight chance that there are some people who have an issue with me and the things that i do. I really want people to be honest with me...but are the people holding things against me just bitching towards an "anonymous" individual, or are they keeping it from me because they think that i can't handle the truth...? The problem is, i want to know the truth but not be offended by it...but this can never be guaranteed because I'm such an over-dramatic individual sometimes. WHY AM I SUCH AN OVER-DRAMATIC, SELF-ABSORBED, PESSIMIST!? I know I'm human, but I'm pretty sure very few individuals are whacked-out in the same way that i am...what am i missing here?


Katy said...

I got news for you. No one is normal. We all have our problems. I'm trying, just like you, to quit being so self-absorbed, but it's not going to happen overnight. It takes hours of prayer and concentration. But I'm right there with you.

No one is normal.

A-Town said...
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Anonymous said...

I know that when I've been in situations where I thought someone was or might be talking about me, it's because I know that I have done in the past and am capable of doing whatever it is that they might be describing. It's called conviction, whether or not they were actually talking about you.

Asking the person is the best way to find out if they were talking about you, because it eliminates the element of speculating intention. It might not be fun if they say "yes," but at least you'll know.

The cure for selfISHness is selfLESSness. Intentional, deliberate servanthood will ruin selfishness and self-absorption. It will crumble it to pieces.

Also, the hours of prayer and contemplation.

A-Town said...
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