Monday, November 3, 2008


It's 3a.m.
I'm still awake.
WTF is going on?
I'm so misserable.
I don't even care to rhyme anymore.
I'm so out of balance.
I'm not ready for this.
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
Secrecy is stupid, though I have secrets of my own.
But just leaving without telling him is so fucking wrong.
I don't know if it's cowardly or just flat out shallow.
I mean, she's done this before, and left me behind.
But this time I'm going with her and I feel like a bitch.
I mean, I can't live here anymore, so maybe it'll be better.
But like I said before, keeping this from him is just not right.
He'll find out on Tuesday when we're gone.
But I think he should be given some advanced warning.
I wish I was 18 so I could've left and not picked sides.
Right now, I wish I had my own car and I'd just stay at a friend's house.
Last night I threw up, but I felt semi-comforted b/c I was with friends.
I think I may be so screwed up that I love my friends more than family.
I know that I'm probably just saying that b/c I'm so pissed off,
But that's how I feel right now.
I'm sure if I stayed with friends long enough though,
They'd be able to dissapoint me just the same....
Okay, screw the sob story.
Don't comment.
Just venting.

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