Monday, March 24, 2008

Random and Fabulous

Easter was pretty fabulous. I didn't go to sleep Saturday night, and so i was rediculously tired on Sunday. It wasn't half bad though. I went to sunday school and it was pretty interesting. My teacher taught the class about all the various theory's that people believe that would disprove the ressurection of Christ. It was extremely interesting. Let me tell you, some people are flat out crazy. I've had my share of disbeliefs about Christianity, but no matter what else I try to turn to, Jesus is the only truth I've found in life. It may sound crazy, but His life is what makes mine whole. Okay, maybe it's not that crazy.
Some of the youth preformed a drama on sunday to the song "Everything" by Lifehouse. It was absolutely fabulous. I had seen it 5 or 6 times the night before at practice, but I could FEEL the Holy Spirit moving during the preformance on Sunday. For those of you who don't know me...I'm really not a very spiritually in-tune individual. All I can say, is that the feeling I felt was one that could only be created by the One True and Holy God. I've had my fair share of mistakes in life, and I continue to make them, but God ministered to my heart on Sunday, and I realized that He truely is EVERYTHING. He's all I need, and that gives me hope; that gives me strength. In Him, you WILL find your strength.



Anonymous said...

Strong statement, A. Jesus is everything. It's hard to remember in the day-to-day ruts of life, but if we could just FOCUS (Col. 3.2), then we could be whole. Truly whole.

A-Town said...

focus isn't easy...i am easily's rather unfortunate really....
thanks mav.
