Saturday, October 9, 2010

Falling Whistles

I am currently in the process of applying for a spring internship with an organization called Falling Whistles. Sean Carasso founded this organization in order to find a better life for the Congolese. In the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa, there is a civil war in progress that has been happening for approximately 12 years now. The war is one over selfish desires of men, over mineral rights for coltan; which is the mineral used in cell phones today. I cannot help but feel slightly responsible for this war because I am a cell phone user, and have aided this war by purchasing a phone.

The worst part of the war, and the primary cause for Sean starting his mission to bring peace to Congo, is the use of children, some whistle-blowers. Whistle-blowers are the boys who are not big enough to hold guns; they are given merely a whistle, and put on the front lines of battle. Can you imagine being at the front lines of war with a measly whistle as your only defense? I cannot write this without tears in my eyes and streaming down my face.

This war needs to end. Americans need to help revolutionize our nation and open its eyes to see the terrible acts going on in the D.R. of Congo. We must aid in any way that we can. The first step: Become a whistle-blower for peace. Buy a whistle, join the coalition, bring peace to Congo!

1 comment:

Falling Whistles said...


Thank you for using your voice to be a whistleblower for peace in Congo. We truly appreciate you using your blog and your freedom of speech to share the story of Falling Whistles and the travesties that are occurring in Congo.

We are so excited to hear that you are applying for our spring internship!

Together we will end the war in Congo.

With love,
The FW Crew