Tuesday, November 9, 2010


College will be the death of me. Okay, not really (or so I hope). I am the worlds worst, or maybe best, procrastinator. I get so far behind and feel as though I cannot catch up. I feel like there are more important things in life than spending thousands of dollars on an education that you spend the next 20+ years attempting to pay off. I would rather be out making friendships and helping others. I don't need a college degree for that. On the other hand, I would like to be a writer, and a degree would probably be in my best interest if I hope to have anything published. I have a little over a month of classes left before Christmas break. I have no idea what to do after break. I assume I will be finishing up my college degree somewhere more affordable than OBU, but I would prefer to do other things. I wish I could just find a real job and not have to worry about paying back student loans. Oh well, such is life. I think I may procrastinate a bit more and go to sleep. I can write my papers another time... Not without penalty of course, but at least it will be done... right?

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