Saturday, October 22, 2011

A New Chapter

As I sit here, looking around at what my life has consisted of these past few months, I am slightly disheartened. I am not where I thought I'd be by now. There was a time when I was younger that I thought I would be married by age 19 and having children by age 21. I'm not saying I wish for that by any means, however, why do we as adults not dream like we did as children?

My guess is this: We have aged and seen the world for how it is.

I can recall seeing a homeless man when I was approximately six-years-old, and asking my mom to take him home with us. I had seen a man in need of a shower, a meal, and a place to sleep. I did not understand why he was on the streets, smelly, and in desperate need of a hair-cut. I often wonder about that man to this day; almost 15 years later, he is still on my mind. I pray that the LORD has blessed him and that he is a new creation in Him.

I realize that I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to wrongfully judging others. I can honestly say that if I were to see a man on the streets now, I would be unwilling to invite him into my home for the evening. Although that is the case, that should not keep me from showing that man love and compassion. The homeless have always held a special place in my heart. Even into adulthood, I am greatly saddened by U.S. statistics and seeing the homeless wandering the streets of downtown at night.

My point is this: Showing the love and kindness of Christ to others is incredibly important, and seemingly forgotten.

I feel as though Christians have somehow lost sight of what is important. Matthew 22: 37-38 reads, "'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ " I don't think we understand what a high position that second commandment holds. Christ had been asked what the GREATEST commandment was; The single GREATEST commandment. He gave His response saying that loving God is the highest priority, AND the second is LIKE it.

adjective, ( Poetic ) lik·er, lik·est, preposition, adverb, conjunction, noun, verb, liked, lik·ing, interjection
6. in like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of: He works like a beaver.
7. resembling (someone or something): He is just like his father. Your necklace is just like mine.
8. characteristic of: It would be like him to forget our appointment.
9. as if there is promise of; indicative of: It looks like rain.
10. as if someone or something gives promise of being: She looks like a good prospect for the job.

With the above definitions being what the are, number six is what I was shooting for. Jesus said that loving your neighbor as yourself is similar to loving God. Humans were created by God in His own image, therefore, by loving our neighbors, our co-workers, our friends and family, we are loving God. Christians should strive to love others because all of the human race was created in God's image. We aren't supposed to go around loving "everyone except for that one guy." Love everyone, no exceptions.

Now, obviously we are not perfect. There will always be people who are incredibly rude or possibly annoying. To the rude, kill them with kindness; to the annoying, think of how Jesus dealt with Peter. We need to get to a place in our lives where we can look past the flaws in one another and simply love and care for each other.

Jesus loves you and me equally. Doesn't it make sense to love everyone else equally as well? Of course it will not be easy, I'm sure Jesus has a difficult time loving us at times. I'm not saying we need to jump up and buy our "neighbors" all the things we buy ourselves. Perhaps it would be nice to spend some extra time out of our days extending kindness and love to those who need it. Even if you don't think someone needs your love or kindness, give it to them anyway. In the world of today where the economy is dreadful, the free gift of a kind word or gesture can go a long way.

I'll leave you with a challenge: Do something kind for a "neighbor" today. Whether it be a simple smile or an offer of assistance or guidance. Love one another.

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